Supplements That Will Improve Your Fitness Plan

By All American Fitness


When you’re working on your fitness, there’s more to consider than your actual workout. Your post-workout is very important to address. Here are several supplements you can take in order to reduce pain/inflammation and increase performance.



Creatine is naturally occurring in your body. It is made in your kidney and liver after you eat protein. Your body transforms it into creatine phosphate and then into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which gives you energy. By taking creatine supplements, you can speed up the process and get that energy even faster. However, you should keep in mind that creatine does not replace protein. It is taken in addition to protein. During exercise, creatine helps to give you bursts of energy and it may even improve performance. Other benefits of creatineinclude increased strength and lean muscle mass.


After a workout, you want to do everything you can to reduce soreness or other pain you might feel post-workout. There are lots of natural remedies you can try including essential oils, such as lavender or eucalyptus, and even different herbs and spices. One natural method that is gaining popularity is CBD oil. There are three types of CBD oil that you can choose from. You can get CBD oil that is just the oil without any other cannabinoids such as THC. There is also full-spectrum CBD that contains all cannabinoids and then there is broad-spectrum which contains many cannabinoids but not THC. CBD oil has been used anciently to relieve pain and it has become quite common today.


Glutamine naturally occurs in your body and assists with many processes such as protein synthesis and the regulation of the immune system. Supplementing with glutamine has been shown to enhance these processes while also giving the body many other benefits. Glutamine is most commonly used to increase recovery. When you’re building muscle, your muscles go through something called muscle hypertrophy. In this process, your muscles are broken down and then fused together so they become even bigger and stronger. However, this can leave your body feeling pretty sore. Taking glutamine supplements can help counter these effects. You can recover faster and even be able to perform better during your next workout.

Fitness is an ongoing process that needs to be addressed at every step. Don’t skip out on post-workout care. If you take care of your body well after a workout, then you’ll be more prepared for the next one and you can continue to improve.


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