How Early To Get A Child Involved In Fitness
By All American Fitness
Do you feel inclined to get the children in your life into fitness from a young age? We know that instilling healthy values in a child from an early age is encouraged, but, is there an age too early? The easy answer to this question is absolutely not! The key to getting young children involved in physical activity is to make sure it is age appropriate. Here are some of the activities that can benefit any child when started at a young age.
This activity is first on our list because some children can start swimming before they even walk. Baby swimming lessons can not only get a child to used their body, it can also soothe them. According to SwimJim, babies can start swimming lessons as young as 8 weeks old to get introduced to the aquatic environment under the care of qualified trainers. Between 6 to 15 months, they can learn breath control and begin submersions. Between 16 months and 3 years old, they can learn water safety skills, floating, and propulsion.
If a child can walk, then they can dance! If you want to informally dance with your child, you can start doing that any any age. All you need is a bit of music. It’s great exercise, and a fantastic way to work out your child’s extra energy and boost everyone’s mood. If you want your child formally trained, most dance studios start teaching children as young as age 3. Dance can teach children many things, from bodily movement to flexibility to coordination to the foundations of music. Learning dance is even proven to activate special parts of the brain that benefit from the stimulation music provides.
Gymnastics is one of the best activities to get a child involved in to gain essential motor skills and maintain flexibility. Getting to know their bodies in the way gymnastics will teach them will serve them well in the future should they decide to continue on with other sports. ThoughtCo says that it is easy to find coaches that will begin training children as young as 2 years old, but it is recommended to wait until the child is 5 or 6 before sending them to classes.
What child doesn’t enjoy an obstacle course?! There are plenty of courses that are kid-friendly and even themed to peak the interest of the child. Inspire them to train for one, watch them have a blast on the course, and watch as they excitedly await the next one. If there is not a children’s obstacle course in your area, you could always build one for them in your yard.
There are many benefits physical activity will provide a young child, including:
Development of motor skills
Better able to handle physical and emotional changes
Creates healthy habits
Provides an outlet to express emotions they don’t yet know how to put into words
Maintains healthy weight
Can inspire healthy eating
There are many benefits a young child will experience once involved in fitness and there are plenty of activities they can choose from. Keep an eye out and see what they enjoy the most—and cheer them on!